Saturday, March 12, 2016

Future Techno-Meteorologists of the World

Is it a culminating activity 
or is it a jumping off point 
for these first graders at Seabury?!

For the past several months we have been having great fun studying meteorology. To show our parents and our schoolmates what we have learned, we each made and presented a PowerPoint weather forecast. 

Each student chose a favorite place in the entire world and used the internet to find a map,  some pictures and some weather data. It always amazes me how fearless and intuitive they are with using a computer--searching, saving, cutting, pasting, enlarging, inserting, fonts, backgrounds, colors, clip art, etc.

We warned our audience to dress for any kind of extreme weather and to tighten up their seat belts for a wild ride (we also had discovered lots of PowerPoint's moving and shaking animations and transitions!)

In a list of things one parent loves about Seabury, here's how she describes the experience:
The communication skills being put to the test along with the demonstration of tech skills to create the weather power points.  The humor and confidence and poise that emerged as 6-year-olds presented to a room of 50+ people without blinking an eye."


Here are some screenshots that show our hard work, our unique interests and our big personalities. 



It's looking like this is just the beginning
 of our life long interest in meteorology!

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