Sunday, May 3, 2015

The Story of Robin Hood and Our Own Hero Stories

We often start our class with a bunch of questions. In anticipation of our trip to see Robin Hood at the Seattle Children's Theater, here is the list of questions we pondered:
  • How do legends come about?
  • Was Robin Hood real?
  • If so, when did he live?
  • What was Robin Hood’s quest?
  • Was he a "hero" even though he was robbing the rich to pay the poor?
  • What makes a hero?

With these questions in mind, the Navigators set out on a quest to understand the legend of Robin Hood. In addition to seeing the play, we read and compared several books about Robin Hood.

We expanded our study by comparing and contrasting the elements of hero stories that have been made into movies—King Arthur, The Lion King, Harry Potter, Star Wars, Shrek, Hercules and, of course, Robin Hood. In classic Seabury style, the whole idea of a hero story resonated with one of the first grade boys who gave about a five minute soliloquy on how each element fit into all the Star Wars trilogies. I wish I could have recorded it!

Using the  elements of a hero story found at, we each eagerly wrote our own hero stories.  Such imaginations these kids have as you'll see below! Notice that time and space portals and bunnies are a recurring theme. Also notice their descriptions, vocabulary and, especially if you know them, their voices starting to come out in their writing.

The elements and samples:

·        Name and describe the Hero: The hero symbolizes important ideals and values of his or her home culture.
  • Krite is brave, not fearful, kind and very smart. He was 14 when his mom and dad told him earth was in grave danger.
  • Once upon a time there was a bunny who was a little bunny but strong.
  • Not Very Good Hero was good at his job but he thought he wasn’t, so he called himself Not Very Good Hero. His real name was Bob.
·       Unusual birth: The hero’s birth is surrounded by unusual circumstances.
  • Drago was formed by the Elemental Dragon. This gave him elemental powers!
  • Tom the Cat was born with a jewel on his neck and he had wings. The legend says his mom was a god cat and his dad was a god cagon (half cat half dragon.)
·        The call to adventure: The hero is called to leave home, and he or she willingly or unwillingly goes.
  • Once upon a time Turtle got a message that said, “Exit Waterville and enter Crazyville where there is a volcano, hot and beautiful.” So Turtle went to Crazyville.
  • Someone said that his mom was stolen by an evil villain. So he left and went to the highest hill and looked for a secret hideout.
Supernatural helper: The hero is aided by someone, often old and wise, with magical and mystical power.
  • Suddenly, Olivia heard some rattling behind a bush. Then Olivia heard a sound—tyut, tyut, tyut. Oliva saw the person who made the sound. It was Wonder Woman!
  • Along comes Merlin. Merlin was a wizard that aged backwards. He could disappear, he had a long white beard, he was really old and had a cane that could turn into a sword.
·        Talisman or special weapon: The hero has a weapon or protective device given to him or her that will be useful on the journey. (This is one of our favorite parts!)
  • Wonder Woman decided to give the invisible jet and diamond sword to Olivia. Then Wonder Woman disappeared into darkness.
  • He gave Sean a diamond sword and a diamond shield and if he rubbed them together he had a portal that could take him wherever he wanted to go.
  • The carrot shoots lightning at bad guys when they are in range.
  • Shefo gave them armor and bows and arrows and swords. They geared up! Shefo thought they looked devastating. Then he gave them info, a map and a dimension key. The map showed whatever dimension you are in.
  • Epic Johnny gave Not Very Good Hero a small spec of Magic Potion that could make him turn into a giant but it could only happen once each day and once each night. Also, on the one millionth time of use it starts going backward and making the user shrink.
·       Crossing the threshold: The hero leaves the familiar, safe world of home and enters fully into the new world of the journey.
  • The tree started to spin. Sean the Wizard was gone so they didn’t know what to do but stay in the tree. In one minute, they found themselves in another dimension. There were worlds shaped like Lego bricks and some were shaped like bunnies. They decided to go to the bunny world because Archie had a bunny translator.
  • When Turtle arrived at the volcano all the people were in a panic. The volcano said (the volcano can talk), “WA-HA-HA-HA-HA” and sucked up Turtle! Turtle found himself in a new world called Zakat.
·        Trials: The hero has to succeed at a series of trials that challenge and build his or her moral strength and character.
  • They went to their first dimension. They appeared in an arena. They saw the ring and had to fight to get it. They succeeded in four hours. Then the ring fell but Krite fortunately caught it. Every one of the crowd rushed down to get them. They got to the next dimension in the nick of time….
  • The package went into a room that had workers. It led to a locker. He opened the locker and inside there was a door. He opened the door. Inside the door there was a room. It was empty. There was nothing in it except a door. He opened the next door. Then there was a bigger room. The only thing in it was another door. He opened that door. It was a long room. Boom! Suddenly, the doors got locked and he was stuck. The trail was just a trick to get him into the cave! 
·         Achievement of goal: Upon successful completion of the trials, the hero achieves the goal of the journey. 
  • Then 9 hours later they got all 5 rings. Then they went to face Skullcro. It took them a long time, but eventually they got to Skullcro’s castle. It leaned over them like a dark mansion. They saw the entrance. It was behind a graveyard. They took a big breath and went towards it….
·        Return home: The hero, sometimes willingly and sometimes unwillingly, again crosses the threshold and returns home.
  • Then he started to make houses for everyone, including himself, and everyone lived happily and safely ever after. Sean the Dragon was the biggest hero ever.
  • Then 10 days later THEY WERE HOME!!!!! Everyone cheered and laughed. Skullcro was defeated and all three of them were HEROS! Then the mayor said, “You have done well. You all deserve gold medals and a feast and a party so…PARTY ON DUDES!!!! Then they had a feast and a massive party. 
  • He meets up with his family and tells them he has become a superhero! His family tells him that they are happy for him to be home so they can be a family again. And they renamed him Very Good Hero. 
Thank you, Seattle Children's Theater, for inspiring us to ask good questions, to think critically, to enjoy good theater and to write our own stories. 

Here are some thank you letters from the Navigators:

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