Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The First Week of School

Welcome to the Navigators' blog. We are ready and eager to navigate the world around us.

 Our overall theme this year is "transitions." Our integrated curriculum will cover the questions of what is a transition? How do they take place? What causes transition? What are the effects of transition?  Are transitions good? Bad? Necessary? What transitions are taking place right now in the world and in our lives. How do we adjust? We should have some interesting discoveries and conversations as we look at the world through this lens.

Our first transition is our classroom!

Here is the BEFORE with the old, stained, don't-really-want-to-sit-on-it carpet.

And here is the after with new, fresh carpet and new, fresh second graders!

Happy, enthused, ready to start Navigators

A nice clean place to sit and read
J. always has several books to choose from.
Another boy who loves to read
 Making new friends
Already losing teeth
Drawing with new friends

The big ceremonial scissors for the ribbon cutting celebrating the new look at Seabury.
Getting ready to cut the ribbon!

Be sure to check in weekly for an update on what the Navigators are navigating!


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